Moreover, a lot of competitive players and streamers have been using it for a long time. I want to get a crosshair overlay, and Ive heard that. As for game errors, that could be caused by anything really. So there are plenty of reasons to believe, that in dirty bomb, you are relatively safe by using mumble crosshair overlays. However, the problem with that is that Rust detects it as a cheat if you are using a third party one that you installed yourself. Moreover, a lot of competitive players and streamers have been using it for a long time.

With the recent removal of lazy aim, crosshair overlays are now accurate on Rust. Because they understand, there is not really a good way to distinguish an overlay made through OBS (for streamers) and a mumble crosshair overlay - or a custom crosshair overlay embedded in some brands of gaming monitors (which can't be detected even if they tried). Crosshair Overlay Mumble :: Rust General Discussions Best. In the case of Dirty Bomb - we have asked the devs, while they won't/can't condone it officially, they have pretty much confirmed that there will be no repercussions. During my search to find the best crosshair overlay solution, in the farthest regions of google, I found a program that was created for business, that, funny as it is, does the job better than mumble, Asus monitors, programs that were created especially for crosshair overlays, and whatever in between. This is why you should always research it, or ask the devs directly, whether or not overlays are permitted. This includes the regular mumble overlay, not just the modified ones (as no anti-cheat really distinguishes one type of overlay from another). It features an ingame overlay for DX9 and OpenGL based games, showing. While it can be used for any kind of activity, it is primarily intended for gaming. It has low latency and superb voice quality. However, now they seem to just disable overlays, rather than ban people (see Rust). Mumble is a voice chat application for groups. Yes, some games will detect overlays, including mumble overlays, and ban you for them. Okay, this thread derailed pretty quickly.